247 Woodstock Avenue Dharruk NSW 2770

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Easter @ West Tradies

Easter Egg Raffle on 24 MAR @ 4:30 PM and 27 MAR @ 7:00 PM for a chance to win yummy prizes!

Seafood Raffle on 28 MAR @ 8:00 PM

Plus $5k must be given away!

BONUS 10kg Easter Egg drawn 31 MAR @ 5:00 PM

Get your entry ticket for every $10 spent on Easter & Seafood Raffles

Winners must be on the premises at the time of the raffles  and bonus draw. You have 4 minutes to present themselves to the draw location. 

Find us

West Tradies

247 Woodstock Avenue Dharruk NSW 2770

PO BOX 175 Plumpton, NSW 2761

Phone: 02 9675 1099

Opening Hours

Monday: 10am – 12am

Tuesday: 10am – 12am

Wednesday: 10am – 12am

Thursday: 10am – 12am

Friday: 10am – 1am

Saturday: 10am – 1am

Sunday: 10am – 12am
